About the Program

Take your place in the flourishing of Humanity.

The Zacchaeus Fellows program in the heart of Atlanta is a bridge to your purpose and calling. Through 9 months of daily leadership development experiences, Fellows gain clarity of their gifts and vocational strengths. As a Zacchaeus Fellow, you begin to grow and thrive as a person and in a career, at a time in life when this support is especially meaningful. You learn your place in God’s purpose for the world. You partner with our community to create value through work and relationships. You gain valuable work experience in leading businesses, alongside strong teams. You will work for the rest of your life. Your right journey starts here.


A program of Peachtree Presbyterian Church, the Fellowship allows recent college grads to radically transform. The elements below combine to equip you as a person and as a professional:


  • Paid work experience aligned with your career interests
  • Housing provided 
  • Leadership development with practical techniques/skills workshops
  • Theological coursework with a Christ-centered worldview
  • Community engagement to find ways to have impact within the city
  • 1:1 Mentoring 

The Program engages a growing network of immersive marketplace and ministry experiences - whose leaders connect, employ, mentor, coach and teach Zacchaeus Fellows. The content of the work and the on-the-job mentoring are considered equally important.

Gospel-centered Leadership Development and Life


Discover the unique purpose God has for your life. Using gospel-centered life design tools, you will activate your call. Mentors come along side to empower you to explore what makes you unique. 

Spiritual Formation and Biblical Application


"If you are a young leader who is grappling with your faith, and searching for your way to create culture,  I cannot think of a better environment for you to discover what really brings you to life. We would love to welcome you to ATLANTA Zacchaeus Fellows. And we think you will like it here too!"

Cody Jensen-Pastor to Young Adults


Build relationships and create impact


With mentors, community leaders, and city-wide community engagement, you’ll explore how to bring Christ’s love into all relationships. We believe that we are all transformed when we are in community with others. We want to partner with you to bring your calling to life.

About Peachtree Church


Peachtree Church has flourished as a church through the difficult periods of the World Wars and that time of transition, the difficult period of the Civil Rights era of the 1960s – marked by the August 15, 1965 decision by the Church’s ruling body, the Session, an act of repentance and decisiveness -- to ensure the Sanctuary was open to all races and background.


Decades later, in another poignant time in our story, an Atlanta Police Officer, Mark Anthony Cross, died in the line of duty - our church became convicted to support all who protect and serve this community. Peachtree is a place that holds together the care for the vulnerable in the midst of tragedy, for those in need - as well as the care for those who protect and serve.


As our Senior Pastor, Rich Kannwischer, describes: “We believe in what the Psalms say – that your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, that Your dominion endures throughout all generations. That the Lord is trustworthy in all He promises, faithful in all He does. That He opens his hand and satisfies the desires of every living thing. That he upholds all who fall, and lifts all who are bowed low.


It is out of that faithfulness, out of the trustworthiness of our God, that we are called to hold our Society together – that our Sanctuary is a Sanctuary that is open to all people. And so for all of us -- anyone who has the air to breathe and to offer praise -- we now offer that back in gratitude to God.